Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Gatwick Adventist Church



1 Thessalonian 5.17 – Pray without ceasing.

 Prayer band meets every Sabbath at 09:00.  They are also willing to pray with you at your request.

Prayer is important to the every Christian. Lord, teach me how to prayer is the plea of every sincere person who yearns to experience intimacy with God.  Prayer is paramount to every aspect of the church. The blessings of God’s storehouse are received in abundance to benefit the mission and ministry of the members.

Prayer is the highest quality of communication that God desires to have with each individual. In prayer, God reveals Himself and desires that our hearts to be more like His. Through prayer, the life-giving, life-transforming personhood of the Holy Spirit is received as a gift to those who ask of God.

Gatwick Prayer Ministries seeks to cultivate intimacy with God and aims to:-

ü  To increase the level of participation in prayer  in Gatwick Church

ü  To reach individuals in church and  communities with prayer

ü  To  have a prayerful church

 ‘Unceasing prayer is the unbroken union of the soul with God so that life from God flows into our lives and from our lives purity and holiness flow back to God.’ Steps to Christ p.96