Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Gatwick Adventist Church


Church Building Project Fund Raising

Gatwick SDA Church: Restoring a Historic Gem for a Brighter Future
Nestled within the splendor of a Grade 2 listed building dating back to 1867, St. Michaels & All Angels Church holds a unique place in our community's heritage. For over a decade, the Gatwick Seventh Day Adventist Church has called this magnificent structure their place of worship. In 2023, a new chapter in our history was written when we successfully acquired the property.
However, our beloved church is in need of some vital improvements to better serve our congregation and the wider community. Currently, we lack essential facilities that hamper our ability to provide a welcoming and comfortable environment. With no proper toilet facilities, an inefficient heating system, and a pressing need for a dedicated space to host children's services and community clubs, the cost to maintain and adapt our church has reached a staggering £400,000.
We are reaching out to you, our community, for support in this ambitious endeavor. Our members are currently relying on portable toilets, which are far from ideal and hygienic, and our kitchen facilities for meal preparation are far from adequate.
Your contribution can make a significant difference in reshaping the history of our church, ensuring a vibrant and inclusive space for future generations. Join us on this inspiring journey to restore our historic gem, creating a vibrant hub for worship, community engagement, and fellowship. Together, we can make a lasting impact and secure a brighter future for our Church.

How to Participate / Donate :

Through Direct Deposit to the Gatwick SDA Church Building Account: 

Through - Periodic Standing Order tor Gatwick SDA Church Building Account:

Through - SUM Up  

Through - The Gatwick SDA Church Building - Go Fund Me page